Code: TLILIC0005

EWP > 11M


Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)

Our Elevating Work Platform (EWP > 11m) training course (high risk) will provide you with the knowledge and skills you will need to operate an Elevating work platform with boom length 11 metres or more and attain your WorkSafe high risk work licence to operate a boom-type EWP. 

At Equip-Safe our trainers believe robust theory supports their practical hands-on approach knowing that many learn by ‘doing’. We use two EWP’s during training and cap numbers ensuring sufficient operating time for all. 

Courses are delivered at Equip-Safe’s training venue on the corner of Orrong Road and Kewdale Road in Welshpool. Training courses can also be conducted on a client’s siteplease contact Equip-Safe for a quote. 


Course Fee: $620

CTF Subsidised Fee: $256*

Relevant Membership Discount Fee: $594**

Please note the full fee for this course consists of a $520 training and assessment fee, and $100 (including GST) for a WorkSafe High Risk Licence processing fee. 

Training and assessment course fees do not incur GST.
* CTF eligibility criteria must be met
** Relevant membership discount will be applied to the full fee. Equip-Safe will verify membership eligibility

Course code


Two days

Course content


  • Legal Requirements 
  • Workplace hazards and task-related hazards and controls 
  • Inspect safety equipment 
  • Log book 
  • Pre-start and operational checks 
  • Compliance Plate 
  • Emergency Plan / Rescue Plan 


  • Conduct risk assessment and implement hazard controls 
  • Safe use of fall arrest equipment 
  • Inspect EWP 
  • Complete log book 
  • Conduct tasks (two different Boom-type EWPs are used on Equip-Safe premises) 
    • Set up packing and outriggers (trailer-mounted boom type EWP) 
    • Slew booms in a smooth and controlled manner 
    • Achieve maximum reach 
    • Drive with elevated platform in confined area (self-propelled boom type EWP ) 
    • Use manual lowering devices 
    • Emergency recovery 
  • Pack up and shut down  

Course requirements

Standard Requirements:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Reasonably good reading, writing and numeracy ability.
  • For proof of identity you must have ONE primary document or at least THREE  secondary documents.  One of these documents must include at least your name and date of birth, which proves you are at least 18 years of age. Credit/Debit cards cannot be accepted for proof of identification.  Please view the WorkSafe Applicant Guide – Application for a High Risk Work Licence to view which forms of ID are acceptable
  • Equip-Safe harnesses are rated to 136 kgs. If the student weighs more than 136 kgs, they will need to provide their own harness.
  • Prior to course commencement the learner is required to review the ETI Learner Handbook, all terms and conditions, and policies that apply to this course, found at found at Terms & Conditions/Policies page
  • For all training conducted on Equip-Safe premises, learners must wear suitable work clothing and fully enclosed shoes (Safety boots/shoes are preferable).  All other protective gear, i.e. hard hats will be supplied.

Equip-Safe also offers a one-day assessment only option for experienced operators. Equip-Safe will provide you with a declaration to complete as part of the pre-enrolment process and will then verify your eligibility.

One-day Course Requirements:

  • You must be a skilled operator with previous training or qualifications, and be able to demonstrate operation following safe work practices;
  • You must be deemed eligible by Equip-Safe after review of declaration;
  • Completion of pre-course reading and an activity book is required to undertake the one-day assessment only

Please contact Equip-Safe on 9358 5772 or if you wish to enquire on this option including pricing

Course breakdown

Core Units of Competency

Code Description
TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)

Certification & assessment

A statement of attainment will be issued detailing the unit/s of competency completed. Equip-Safe will send your application to WorkSafe. You have nothing more to do after you finish the course.  An interim high risk work licence will be issued upon successful completion of the course which will allow you to operate an EWP>11m from that date onwards 

Skills recognition

The Electrotechnology Training Institute Limited (ETI), trading as Equip-Safe, Skills Recognition Policy applies to those individuals seeking formal recognition of their competency(s) through the granting of, or credit towards, an Australian Qualifications Framework Training Package qualification, unit of competency or Vocational Education and Training (VET) accredited course. For more information, please see our Skills Recognition Policy.

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