Emergency Descent Training course perth AND WA
UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape
These units satisfy the requirements of the Western Power ‘Work Practice Manual’ Section 2.6 which includes:
- All EWP operators and safety observers must be trained and competent in the use of emergency retrieval systems relevant to the EWP they are using.
- Note: Refresher training is to be undertaken every 12 months.
- The EWP basket operator must be competent in emergency descent rescue.
- The EWP ground-based operator must be competent in the operation of the EWP
In an emergency:
- If an EWP has mechanical failure and cannot be lowered, and the personnel are safe, they must remain in the bucket until a second EWP arrives on site to effect a rescue.
Dependent on experience, the time required can vary between two and fouir hours. For those who are doing refresher training/assessment, courses are generally scheduled in the afternoon from 2pm
Perform EWP controlled descent escape/Perform EWP rescue: $165.00
Emergency Descent training courses are scheduled on an as-needed basis at Equip-Safe’s Perth training venue in Welshpool (corner of Orrong Road and Kewdale Road), or can be conducted on the client’s premises.
(please contact Equip-Safe for on-site pricing.)
- HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation, less than twelve months old.
- Equip-Safe harnesses are rated to 136 kgs. If a student weighs more than 136 kgs, they will need to provide their own harness.
- Duty of Care of all people in the workplace
- Required skills and knowledge in the unit UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue, and UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape
- Perform EWP controlled descent
- Various benchmarks and requirements when performing the tasks. including:
- UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
- Demonstrate lowering the booms and bucket using the auxiliary lowering device for the EWP
- Lower the booms and bucket using base controls of the EWP
- Tilt the bucket to access the injured person
- Retrieve the injured person
- Move injured person to a safe area and perform first aid as required
- UETTDRRF08 Perform EWP controlled descent escape
- Maintain 100% hook-up at all times
- Safely exit EWP bucket
- Does not ‘free fall’ or ‘shock load’ the rope
- Use CDD / EDD from a height that allows the person to control the speed of the descent from the bucket to the ground
- Safely lower self to ground
- Demonstrate controlling the descent of an injured person by holding the CDD / EDD rope at an angle whilst acting as a ground attendant
- Pack up CDD / EDD and store correctly in bucket or as required.
- UETDRRF002 Perform EWP rescue
The Construction Training Fund provides funding support for training of eligible workers in the construction industry. We acknowledge the support of the Construction Training Fund in reducing the costs of training for eligible workers.
Subsidised course fees may be available to persons currently working in the building and construction industry or unemployed persons who have worked in that trade in the previous six months. The fee subsidy does not apply to persons working in the security and mining industries or Government employees
Please visit the Construction Training Fund website for further information www.ctf.wa.gov.au