Construction Training Fund

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The Construction Training Fund provides funding support for training of eligible workers in the construction industry. We acknowledge the support of the CTF in reducing the costs of training for eligible workers.

Subsidised course fees may be available to persons currently working in the building and construction industry or unemployed persons who have worked in that trade in the previous six months. The fee subsidy does not apply to persons working in the security and mining industries or Government employees.

Eligible workers must be:

  • Directly employed in the building and construction industry in Western Australia construction companies
  • Undertaking projects in Western Australia; or
  • self-employed and undertaking work which is directly involved in the construction process. 

To see what courses are available, head to our courses page, and for more information on CTF head to their website.


For more information on how CTF may affect Equip-Safe customers, please see the ETI Learner Handbook
